SEO or search engine optimization is one of the most popular buzz words in Internet marketing but unfortunately most Internet marketers simply do not know enough about SEO to make this strategy work for them. Even those who are knowledgeable about SEO may have difficulty executing their SEO strategies to produce the desired affect. The concept of Search Engine Optimization may have greatly affected also the fields of industry and commerce; however, these are not the only sectors of our society that have benefited from the invention this searching genius. Academic institutions have also widely gained advantage in researching and disseminating information for the benefit of education.

Through SEO, common errors that bar researchers from reaching their target topics are now eradicated, if not lessened. Developers of content websites do not only input the direct keywords pertaining to their facility’s content topic. Sometimes, they also predict the possible error that the user may commit in searching information. Such errors include wrong spelling, incorrect partition of words (for compound and complimentary words) and wrong grammar. Though some search engines today offer alternatives in case of peculiar error(s) with the keyword(s)/key phrase(s) entered, infusing predicted errors through SEO would save users time looking for target websites by directly offering to the user a web page matching the inquiry.

Aside from online content seeking, Search Engine Optimization is not only being used for seeking content data. This technology is also being highly implemented within modern school libraries in their online card catalog system, enabling the user to pull up all books of the school’s library with topics, author(s) or title that match that of the keyword entered.